HTML Website Professional

HTML Website Professional


  • 30 Number of Pages
  • 5 Number of Mockup
  • 10 Revisions
  • No Social Media Integration
  • No SEO Friendly
  • N/A Google Analytics
  • 5 Feedback / Inquiry Form
  • Yes Domain Registration
  • Yes Responsive (Mobile Supported)
  • 3GB Hosting (1 Year Hosting Included)
  • 34POP3 Email Accounts
  • 20GB Bandwidth
  • Yes Control Panel
  • MySQL Database

General Features

  • Search Engines Friendly Structure
  • Entry in Search Engines Web Directories
  • Sitemap & FAQ Pages
  • News Section
  • Flash Animation (where applicable)
  • DHTML Enhanced Menu (if required)
  • CSS (cascading style sheets)
  • JavaScript (where applicable)
  • Feedback/Enquiry Forms
  • Month Initial Maintenance
  • Web Statistics
  • Style / Template Management
  • Server Page Language
  • WYSIWG Editor
  • Workflow Engine, Email To Discussion
  • Macro Language & Prototyping

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